Here is what Barb said last week about her experience while on the Weight Loss Purification program:
"Simply by chance I talked to Dr. Shriver at a Health Fair about nutrition. I had been feeling poorly since my cancer and chemo the year before. Because I didn’t feel well, I didn’t feel like walking. I only had enough energy to do what needed done at work and at home. So I gained 30 lbs. I had always struggled to keep my weight around 180 and when I had surgery for breast cancer I had already gained 10 lbs., then another 30 in the next year. My legs felt like lead. I was short of breath when I walked up the stairs. Dr. Shriver explained that doing the Purification Program would help not only my fatigue and weakness but I would lose weight. I must say I’m not a disciplined person when it comes to exercise and eating. He said I would have daily email support with recipes and of course he would be available any day I needed him. The day before I started the diet I went shopping for veggies and fruit. I took time to clean and prep them then planned my meals for the next two days. Dr. Shriver was right that the shake would take some getting used to. Not that it was terrible just different. Around the 4th day the shakes tasted better and I definitely could feel the difference physically. A few months earlier my joints had been aching so much I had to go to a rheumatologist to get medication. The shoulder and hip pain is no longer there. I lost 20 pounds in 21 days and and my energy is back! I’m so pleased that I’ve continued the diet past the 21 days and have lost 10 more pounds! I no longer feel this is a diet but a lifestyle! Thank you Dr. Shriver!" Barb M.
Even though the Holidays and all the food that goes with them are right around the corner, results like this are still possible because the program is realistic, down to earth, and it works!
- Dr. Shriver